štvrtok 23. januára 2014

Unikátna pohľadnica. Letecká snímka Bratislavy zo začiatku 20. storočia.

Pišút, P. 1998. Unikátna pohľadnica. Letecká snímka Bratislavy zo začiatku 20. storočia (An unique postcard. Aerial view of Bratislava from early 20th century). Quark, č. 8, s. 23 - 25.

Letecká snínka Bratislavy z roku 1905 vo forme dobovej pohľadnice je skutočným unikátom. Má jedinečnú historickú hodnotu aj z obsahovej stránky. Zachytáva totiž v detailnej podorbnosti priestor Bratislavy pred ďalekosiahlymi, nezvratnými zmenami a súvislou zástavbou pôvodnej pririečnej krajiny, ktoré od základov vyvrátili podobu starého sveta.

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utorok 21. januára 2014

Keď rieky väznil ľad. Príbeh "bežnej" dunajskej povodne obdobia Malej doby ľadovej

Pišút, P., Čejka, T. 2011. Keď rieky väznil ľad. Príbeh "bežnej" dunajskej povodne obdobia Malej doby ľadovej (Rivers imprisoned in the Ice). Thoe story of "commonplace" Danube flood of the Little Ice Age period). In: Říční krajina /River Landscape 7, Olomouc 2011, s. 136 - 141.

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Plán, znázorňujúci novovybudovaný úsek petržalskej cestnej hrádze aj zvyšky starej, s úsekom, pretrhnutým pri ľadovej povodni v r. 1809, ktorým vzdutá voda v marci 1826 zaplavila  rozsiahle oblasti pravobrežnej nivy  

Since 1965, the Danube River in Bratislava, Slovakia has not been completely frozen. However, in the past the ice on Slovak rivers was a common phenomenon. But river ice  also signalled the imminent threat of dangerous and hard-to-predict ice floods. Floods due to ice barriers often accompanying ice break-up were common in our latitudes  during periods of  wetter and cooler climate (e. g. Little Ice Age). The ice was responsible for some of the most disastrous floodings in European rivers. Despite the current extent of river regulations and ongoing global warming, the threat of ice-jam floods is far from being over. In this respect, study of past winter type floodings can provide us with precious knowledge of the origin, course and possible consequences of these natural hazards. In this paper we report of so far little known ice-breakup flood of 1826, that occurred in the Danube River, Slovakia. After six weeks of frozen Danube the relatively cold winter eventually ended with the ice disintegration and movement on February 27, 1826. Clogging of the Danube channel with ice resulted into succesive ice jam flooding in the Bratislava reach and in some parts of Žitný ostrov Island. Our findings are based on reports from local newspaper (Preßburger Zeitung) and cartographic evidence.

pondelok 21. októbra 2013

Mäkkýše Slovanského ostrova pri Bratislave a poznámky ku genéze lokality.

Čačaný, J., Čejka, T., Pišút, P. 2012. Mäkkýše Slovanského ostrova pri Bratislave a poznámky ku genéze lokality. Molluscs of the Slovanský ostrov island (Bratislava City, Slovakia) and notes to the site development in the past. Acta Rer. Natur. Mus. Nat. Slov., Vol. 58: 103 – 111.

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Slovanský ostrov Island – reconstructed development based on some historical map depictions

Map reconstruction showing developmental stages of Slovanský ostrov Island (projected into the 1920s navigation chart). Legend: 1 – oldest part of the island with earliest stage of vegetation succession in 1850s (floodplain age ~ 157 years); 2 – part deposited after the Danube channelization (alluvium age ± 122 yr);  3 – floodplain segments deposited since 1925 (maximum age of alluvium 87 yr); 4 – residual water bodies of former upstream entrance of the side channel; 5 – land relief affected by man (fillings, disturbances etc.).

piatok 30. marca 2012

Výsledky analýzy rastlinných makrozvyškov z výplne paleomeandra Dunaja pri obci Vrakúň (Žitný ostrov).

Pišút, P., Procházka, P. 2012. Výsledky analýzy rastlinných makrozvyškov z výplne paleomeandra Dunaja pri obci Vrakúň (Žitný ostrov). (Results of the analysis of plant macrofossil of the sedimentary fill of the Danube River palaeomeander (Vrakúň site, Žitný ostrov Island).

The paper presents results of a palaeobotanical study of the Danube River terrestrialised meander Vrakúň (Žitný ostrov Island, SW Slovakia). In total 1 470 diaspores separated from the 280 cm deep core contained mainly seeds of aquatic and marsh plant species, but also the charophyte oospores. Based on plant-macrofossil record supported by radiocarbon data, four local analytical zones were distinguished in the studied core. After the meander abandonment around 510 BC, local hydroseral succession started with the (1) initial calcareous, oligotrophic lake with algae, advanced through (2) eutrophic lake with aquatics and rich littoral vegetation into the (3) lake overgrown with Typha or reed beds and 4. shallow open marsh with Cyperaceae, which have eventually develeoped into the current fen grasslands. The study brings new data on past distribution of several species, which are currently listed as endangered, rare and protected (e. g. Cladium mariscus, Nymphaea alba, Nuphar lutea) and elucidates a formation of local vegetation over the past millenia.

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Fig. 1 Plant macrofossil diagram from the profile Vrakúň, palaeomeander (histogram based on absolute numbers of diaspore in the horizons). Legend: LAZ - local analytical zone, C - layer with greater number of charred plant remains.

Geomorphic response to the Little Ice Age in Slovakia.

Stankoviansky, M., Pišút, P. 2011. Geomorphic response to the Little Ice Age in Slovakia. Geographia Polonica, 84, Special Issue Part 1, 127 - 146.

Geomorphic response to the Little Ice Age (LIA; ca 1250-1890 AD) in Slovakia was marked by the increased occurence and effectiveness of fluvial, runoff, and some gravitational processes. We identified four periods of increased frequency of big floods, namely: (1250) 1378-1526 AD, the 1560s-1570s, the 1590s-1620s, and the 1660s-1850s, while the last period shows two stages (the 1660s-1720s and the 1760s-1850s). Three identified periods of disastrous gullying accompanied by muddy floods (the 14th century, the mid-16th century - the 1730s, the 1780s - the mid-19th century) refer to temporal conformity of both fluvial and runoff processes. High frequency of debris flows in the Slovak part of the Tatra Mts. occured in the period of 1400-1860 AD. Sparse mentions on precipitation -induced particular events of debris flows, landslides or rockfalls are mostly linked with simultanoues occurrence of floods.

Breaches to the side-channel closure (and dike) at the village of Rusovce (Carlburg), illustrating the destructive force of the 1780 and 1784 ice floods.

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Príspevok k poznaniu genézy pôd a pôdnej pokrývky na Žitnom ostrove (paleomeander Dunaja, Nekyje).

Pišút, P., Procházka, J. 2011. Príspevok k poznaniu genézy pôd a pôdnej pokrývky na Žitnom ostrove (paleomeander Dunaja, Nekyje). (A contribution to the knowledge of soil genesis and soilscape on Žitný ostrov Island (paleomeander of the Danube River, Nekyje site). S. 239 - 246. In Sobocká, J. (ed.) Diagnostika, klasifikácia a mapovanie pôd. Výskumný ústav pôdoznalectva a ochrany pôdy, Bratislava, 335 s.

Pôdna mapa paleomeandra Nekyje.
Soil map of the palaeomeander Nekyje.

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