This blog is edited by Peter Pišút, Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology, Mlynská dolina, 842 15, Bratislava 4, Slovakia
utorok 21. januára 2014
Keď rieky väznil ľad. Príbeh "bežnej" dunajskej povodne obdobia Malej doby ľadovej
Plán, znázorňujúci novovybudovaný úsek petržalskej
cestnej hrádze aj zvyšky starej, s úsekom, pretrhnutým pri ľadovej povodni v r.
1809, ktorým vzdutá voda v marci 1826 zaplavila
rozsiahle oblasti pravobrežnej nivy
Since 1965, the DanubeRiver in Bratislava, Slovakia
has not been completely frozen. However, in the past the ice on Slovak rivers
was a common phenomenon. But river ice also
signalled the imminent threat of dangerous and hard-to-predict ice floods. Floods
due to ice barriers often accompanying ice break-up were common in our
latitudes during periods of wetter and cooler climate (e. g. Little Ice
Age). The ice was responsible for some of the most disastrous floodings in European
rivers. Despite the current extent of river regulations and ongoing global
warming, the threat of ice-jam floods is far from being over. In this respect,
study of past winter type floodings can provide us with precious knowledge of
the origin, course and possible consequences of these natural hazards. In this
paper we report of so far little known ice-breakup flood of 1826, that occurred
in the DanubeRiver,
After six weeks of frozen Danube the relatively
cold winter eventually ended with the ice disintegration and movement on February
27, 1826. Clogging of the Danube channel with ice resulted into succesive ice
jam flooding in the Bratislava reach and in some
parts of Žitný ostrovIsland. Our findings are based
on reports from local newspaper (Preßburger Zeitung) and cartographic evidence.