piatok 30. marca 2012

Využitie digitálneho modelu reliéfu pri optimalizácii rozmiestnenia pôdnych sond

Jenčo, M., Pišút, P. 2011. Využitie digitálneho modelu reliéfu pri optimalizácii rozmiestnenia pôdnych sond (Use of digital terrain model for an optimal spatial pattering of soil probes). S. 225 - 231. In Sobocká, J. (ed.) Diagnostika, klasifikácia a mapovanie pôd. Výskumný ústav pôdoznalectva a ochrany pôdy, Bratislava, 335 s.

Detailed structure of the pedosphere, as being substantially affected by geometrical land surface forms is respected in majority of pedogeographical studies. This influence is also markedly felt in alluvial soils. The knowledge of the relation between the land surface and soil properties can be used in soil mapping. Optimal spatial pattering of the soil probes based on land surface forms enables reducing of their number in the area surveyed, without consequences on the quality of mapping. By mapping of soils in the alluvial areas we can encounter the problem of the absency of representative information on elevations needed to establish a DTM. Nevertheless, this is not an insoluble problem. In this paper we apply this approach to the model territory of the Danube medieval palaeomeander (Medveďov site, Žitný ostrov Island, Slovakia). Surveyd area is characterised by variety of fluvisols to gleysols situated in the lowermost depressed parts of the landscape. According to field survey, local soils appear to be not so heterogenous as might be expected from the complexity of land surface with alternating several convex and concave forms. This fact can be be explained by lowering of the regional groundwater table in recent decades. There is also textural change of the topsoil humus horison which has been probably affected by the agricultural methods used in the past decades. Current properties of the topsoil humus horisons have been affected by mixing of the original finer alluvial deposits with the coarser ones from the substrate horisons.

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