Pišút, P., Procházka, P. 2012. Výsledky analýzy rastlinných makrozvyškov z výplne paleomeandra Dunaja pri obci Vrakúň (Žitný ostrov). (Results of the analysis of plant macrofossil of the sedimentary fill of the Danube River palaeomeander (Vrakúň site, Žitný ostrov Island).
The paper presents results of a palaeobotanical study of the Danube River terrestrialised meander Vrakúň (Žitný ostrov Island, SW Slovakia). In total 1 470 diaspores separated from the 280 cm deep core contained mainly seeds of aquatic and marsh plant species, but also the charophyte oospores. Based on plant-macrofossil record supported by radiocarbon data, four local analytical zones were distinguished in the studied core. After the meander abandonment around 510 BC, local hydroseral succession started with the (1) initial calcareous, oligotrophic lake with algae, advanced through (2) eutrophic lake with aquatics and rich littoral vegetation into the (3) lake overgrown with Typha or reed beds and 4. shallow open marsh with Cyperaceae, which have eventually develeoped into the current fen grasslands. The study brings new data on past distribution of several species, which are currently listed as endangered, rare and protected (e. g. Cladium mariscus, Nymphaea alba, Nuphar lutea) and elucidates a formation of local vegetation over the past millenia.
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Fig. 1 Plant macrofossil diagram from the profile Vrakúň, palaeomeander (histogram based on absolute numbers of diaspore in the horizons). Legend: LAZ - local analytical zone, C - layer with greater number of charred plant remains.
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